by rw | Apr 27, 2012 | Articles, Basel Standards, Political Risk Insurance
Basel III sounds unnervingly like the latest in a Hollywood pattern of sequels, reminiscent of the Stallone Rocky films. We’re not yet at Basel V, the bankers haven’t yet come to physical blows with the regulators, but bankers look increasingly punch drunk from the...
by rw | Apr 27, 2012 | Articles, Investment Disputes and Arbitration
As Mariano Gomezperalta explains, failed efforts to protect Mexican film makers illustrate how international treaties can benefit both local and international investors. Mr. Gomezperalta represented Mexico’s National Chamber of Film and Video (Canacine) in this...
by rw | Apr 27, 2012 | Articles, Interviews
Felton (Mac) Johnston, editor of this Newsletter and adviser on political risk and arbitration for robert wray PLLC, is interviewed by Jordan Dansby, the newest member of the firm. Jordan Dansby: Let’s start with the Political Risk Insurance Newsletter. How did you...