by rw | Nov 1, 2011 | Articles, Bilateral Investment Treaties, Political Risk Insurance
For decades, a commonly held belief among international investment lawyers has been that while bilateral investment treaties (BITs) may not necessarily be crucially important for foreign investment decisions, they have an important indirect effect: BITs lower the...
by rw | Nov 1, 2011 | Articles, Interviews, MIGA
Ana-Mita Betancourt, Director and General Counsel, Legal Affairs and Claims Group at the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), sat down with Geraldine Mataka, managing member of robert wray PLLC, to discuss her career in international economic development...
by rw | Nov 1, 2011 | Articles, Political Risk Insurance
Fair market value (FMV) seems, at least to investors, a reasonable basis for compensating investment losses caused by sovereigns, but the concept involves many issues and complexities. Here are some insights into international law and practice regarding FMV, and some...